Can Kittens Have Catnip? 5 Things to Consider

Can Kittens Have Catnip? 5 Things to Consider

Most cat owners know the powerful intoxication catnip can have on our beloved feline friends. Of course not all catnip toys are created equal, and some may be more powerful than others, but the question may arise; is catnip actually safe for kittens? And at what age can a kitten be safely introduced to catnip? Continue reading to unveil the truth about catnip and its suitability for kittens. 

What is Catnip? 

Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, is an herb that's been captivating cats for centuries. Its aroma can send our furry friends into a state of bliss, often resulting in entertaining antics and pure feline joy. Catnip leaves or powder is often included in stuffed cat toys with varying degrees of strength. Catnip can also be offered in the form of Catnip Dental Sticks, Catnip Powder and Sprinkled Catnip Leaves.

Is catnip safe for young kittens? 

The answer is generally yes, catnip is considered safe and shouldn’t cause any harm to kittens.  Catnip is 'safe, non-addictive, and perfect for stimulating predatorial play' explains Catnip Toy creator, King Catnip. However, just with older cats, each kitten may react differently so it’s a good idea to observe the following points to keep play sessions safe. 

So, can kittens have catnip safely? 

Age kitten should have catnip: 

Catnip before the age of 3-6 months old (when a cat reaches sexual maturity) - may not have any impact on your kitten’s behaviour. So if you offer catnip before 6 months, and you’re left disappointed at their reaction, try again in a few months. In the meantime, a kitten’s natural playfulness will no doubt ensure they continue to play with the toy, even though they're not yet affected by the 'catnip high'. 

The strength of catnip matters for kittens: 

Particularly strong catnip toys are great fun for cats and definitely rival the ‘catnip infused’ toys often found in high street shops. These are the type of Catnip toys we like to include in our monthly Gus & Bella cat treat boxes, which offer toys that are both safe and appropriate for kittens. 

However, monitor your kitten's behaviour; the catnip toy could make them very excitable (kittens already have an aptitude for playfulness) - which could lead to overstimulation or even scratches as you try to prize the toy away from them!  Although your kitten will LOVE the catnip toy and it is perfectly safe, it may sometimes be a good idea keep play sessions short if your kitten is particularly excitable!

Conversely some cats (and kittens!) enjoy a sedative effect from catnip, helping with relaxation. So it’s important to observe your kitty to see how they react.

Time-limited catnip play for kittens (only if necessary!)

Not all cats react to catnip in equal measures, and the same goes for kittens. Some kittens may show little interest, whilst others can fall into a catnip frenzy. We’d suggest moderating the length of play for particularly excitable kittens - try putting the toy away in a draw between short play sessions. Not only will this help them calm down, but it will also keep them interested in the toy for longer.

Supervise your kitten playing with catnip

Opt for high-quality toys that are resilient and don’t break down easily. However, stuffed fabric cat toys are not indestructible - so we advise always supervising your cat during play sessions so you can throw away any toy or catnip stick that becomes damaged. This will help prevent your cat from ingesting any material which may lead them to vomit. 

cat playing with stuffed toy

Offer catnip alongside other kitten toys

Kittens are innately curious and love to play with all sorts of toys that they can pounce, kick and chew. You can offer catnip as just one part of your kitten's toy collection. This will ensure kittens remain happy and entertained across a variety of toys, which helps swerve unwanted behaviours from boredom. 

So, are catnip toys okay for kittens? 

The answer is yes! But with very young kittens (under 6 months), they may not be mature enough to react to the catnip leaf. So try again in a few months. However, there should be no harm in your kitten playing with the toys in the meantime. Additionally, kittens like older cats, can react to catnip differently. So if your kitten does get particularly overstimulated, then try offering the toys in short bursts - and supervise play sessions. 

About Gus & Bella Box 

If you have a cat or kitten and are searching for ways to keep them happy & entertained, then check out the fantastic variety of toys included in Gus & Bella Box. We know the challenge of keeping an active kitten engaged and entertained, especially if you have an indoor cat, so our boxes take away the hard work for you. They offer a variety of toys - and something for cat humans too, so you can join in the fun. 

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